I’m a Boston-based freelance writer who specializes in writing about personal finance. Though I’ve covered a bit of everything, I often write about real estate, credit, and investing.
I started writing professionally in 2014 and in that time I have also covered other topics as varied as technology, board games, and esports.
I’ve always been something of an optimizer and a deal hunter. When I was younger I would break down the different aspects of the games I’d play to find the best way to earn a high score. As I grew up, I realized that I could implement that instinct for optimization into other aspects of my life, which led me to a love of personal finance.
By taking advantage of deals, finding the best bank accounts, and using the right rewards programs, I was able to stretch the value of each dollar I earned. Naturally, I wanted to help my friends and family do the same, so I started writing about different ways to manage one’s finances.
In my writing, I always aim to offer advice that is actionable and easy to understand.
When I’m not writing about money I enjoy thinking up new ways to optimize my own finances. I also enjoy cooking, reading, playing games (of the board and video variety), soccer, ultimate frisbee, and hockey.